
Hanging soot collector

Compared with traditional trash cans, this small and delicate hanging cigarette butt collector neither takes up space nor affects the urban landscape. Civic Democracy moved the cigarette butts into the collector, the work of sanitation workers was less, the cigarette butts were obviously less, and the square environment was also better

The design of this thing is very user-friendly, it can be hung on the wall everywhere, or on the lamppost of the hoop. With such a popular collector, everyone is embarrassed to throw cigarette butts everywhere. For urban hygiene and health, the installation of smoking tables is a good response. I hope to install more in bus stations and intersections in the future. It can be seen everywhere and slowly let everyone develop the habit of not smoking.

Promote publicity in an offline practical way to advise citizens to quit smoking. Citizens who really want to smoke should develop good hygiene habits, reduce cigarette butts and keep the city environment tidy.

